Nitrous Control Program – For PRO BOOST Controller ONLY


For use in Pro Boost Controller ONLY.

ATTENTION! Provide your ECU serial number upon checkout!

SKU: pro-upgrade-for-basic-boost-and-nitrous-controllers-166 Category: Tags: ,
ATTENTION! Provide your ECU serial number upon checkout!
Connect to your ECU. There is a tab that shows your serial number. Under this you will see the number labeled Product Serial Number. Copy and paste this number or type in including the dashes on the checkout form as it will be sent with the order. We will then send you an email back with a code for you to enter into the ECU.
When you receive your code connect to the ECU and hit File.
Next hit install feature upgrade and a window will pop up for you to enter this code. Once you have done this hit send.
The new feature will display on the line titled Installed Features which is towards the bottom.
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